Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Youth Shelters:
Covenant House
31 E. Armat Street, Philadelphia, PA 19144
Phone: (215) 951-5411
Offers various programs including street outreach, crisis services, rights of passage (transitional living program), health services, education services, vocational services, and pastoral ministry. The crisis center is open everyday, all day and provides shelter and resources to 51 youth per night. It is an open intake process.
Youth Emergency Shelter (YES): Youth Service Inc.
1526 Fairmount Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19130
Phone: (215) 787-0633
YES provides a safe and supportive environment, emergency shelter, on-site medical treatment, counseling, educational enrichment and recreational opportunities to more than 400 adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17 years old.
Carson Valley Children’s Aid
Phone: (215) 233-1960
The Residential Care Program serves children ages 12-19. This program provides safe, structured care for adolescents who have a demonstrated history of behavioral problems that interfere with their functioning in community settings.
Emergency Shelters:
Whosoever Gospel Mission
101 E Chelten Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19144
Phone: (215) 438-3094
Provides shelter, food, clothing, education, counseling, rehabilitation and other assistance to homeless and/or needy men, women and children in the Philadelphia Metropolitan Area.
Victory Shelter Program
935 N. 42nd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Phone: (215) 382-2938
Provides full service emergency shelter in which hot meals and showers are offered, along with case management, information and referral, counseling and spiritual support.
Philadelphia Interfaith Hospitality Network
7047 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19119
Phone: (215) 247-4663
Families selected into our program receive temporary emergency housing and hospitality in one of our participating church, synagogue, or mosque congregations. Guests are sent to safe, child-friendly living quarters with private rooms for two weeks to two months at a time.
Women (and Children):
Jehovah Jireh Family Center: New Beginnings
Germantown, Philadelphia
Phone: (215)848-4800
The program provides temporary housing for 5-6 women and their children. Each woman commits to a 6-8 month stay. The program provides methods to enhance family relationships, resolve conflicts and integrate behavior changes by innovative therapeutic interventions. The program also offers counseling, life skills, money management classes, job readiness programs, parenting skills classes, after school services, home ownership preparation, and adult basic education.
Drueding Center
413 W. Master Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122
Phone: (215) 769-1830
Provides shelter to women and children. Offers intensive case management services, clinical counseling, trauma informed services, and youth advocates.
People’s Emergency Center (PEC)
3902 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Phone: (267) 777-5867
Offers various levels of housing including emergency shelter, transitional housing, and permanent housing. The emergency shelter, Gloria’s House, is where families receive shelter, food, clothing, healthcare, school supplies, and books. As families in the emergency shelter acquire core life skills, they are eligible to move to one of the transitional housing residences. PEC makes permanent housing opportunities available through development of local, vacant, properties into rental units and houses for sale by the PEC Community Development Corporation.
Wayne Hall: Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission
302 N. 13th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Phone: (215) 844-7116
Wayne Hall contains common living room and kitchen spaces, and private bedrooms outfitted with extra beds for children. Residents participate in evening Bible classes in parenting, life skills, finance, discipleship, and etiquette. They also receive Biblical case management, health and nutrition consultation, guidance with educational and trade school pursuits, employment assistance, permanent housing aide, and alumni support after graduation.
St. Barnabas Mission: Episcopal Community Services
6006 West Girard Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19151
Phone: (215) 528-5400
Provides women and children with a safe, decent shelter, healthy meals and supportive services. The long-term goal is to help mothers and children become self-sufficient. The average length of stay at St. Barnabas is six months, but many larger families remain there much longer due to the difficulty of finding suitable housing.
Overcomer Program: Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission
302 N. 13th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Phone: (215) 922-6400
The Overcomer Program is a twelve to eighteen-month recovery program available to emergency shelter guests that are seeking a positive life change. The goal of the program is to equip homeless men with the practical and spiritual life skills they need to be self-sufficient individuals and positive contributors to society.
New Life Program: Whosoever Gospel Mission
101 E Chelten Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19144
Phone: (215) 438-3094
A residential program to homeless men without charge. The New Life Program is comprised of three phases: Foundation, Careers, and Aftercare.
Our Brother’s Place
907 Hamilton Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123
Phone: (215) 985-1600
Emergency shelter for 149 homeless men providing three meals a day and supportive services, including referrals to housing and treatment programs.
Roosevelt Darby Center
802 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123
Phone: (215) 685-3700
Provides centralized intake services for homeless men. Individuals are placed in appropriate emergency housing, boarding homes, or alternative housing. Other services provided as needed.
Outley House
6901 Woodland Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19142
Phone: (215) 724-8355
Provides emergency shelter to men along with case management, counseling, referrals to community-base resources, and life skills workshops.
Saint John’s Hospice
1221 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19107
Phone: (215) 563-7763
Drug and alcohol-free, 40-bed emergency shelter / residence for men who are in transition from homelessness to independent living in the community; all residents meet with in-house case managers to work through specific issues associated with homelessness and are referred to appropriate treatment centers and skill development programs in the community.
The Salvation Army: Red Shield Family Residence
715 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123
Phone: (215) 787-2887
All family configurations, including families with teenaged children, and single men with children are accepted into the shelter. Offers intensive case management and trauma-sensitive after-school and educational enrichment programs offered to all school age children.
Families Forward
111 N. 49 Street, Philadelphia, PA 19139
Phone: (215) 240-4800
Offers an emergency family shelter that has 65 individual rooms. Provides families with a safe environment, nutritious meals, and case management. Offers daily workshops on topics including parenting skills, computer skills, academic resources, money management skills, etc. Nightly activities include book club, yoga, arts and crafts, and movie nights.
The Salvation Army: Eliza Shirley House
1320 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Phone: (215) 568-5111
Emergency shelter for families. Provides food, housing, educational programs, emotional help, spiritual guidance, games, and entertainment.
Food Banks:
Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission
302 N. 13th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Phone: (215) 922-6400
All meals provided are nutritiously balanced and low-sodium. Each meal contains a fruit or vegetable and a protein. Breakfast is served at 7AM, lunch at noon, and dinner at 6:30PM.
Philadelphia Brotherhood Rescue Mission (PBRM)
401 E. Girard Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19125
Phone: (267) 581-2755
Provides three hot meals a day. Has an emergency pantry and soup kitchen.
Hunting Park NAC
3760 N. Delhi St., Philadelphia, PA 19140
Phone: (215) 225-5560
Distributed prepacked bags of food Monday through Thursday from 9AM to 12PM.
The Word In Action International Ministry
1539 W. Courtland St., Philadelphia, PA 19140
Phone: (215) 324-7665
Provides prepacked bags boxes and bags of food on Tuesday from 11Am-12PM and Friday from 1PM-3PM.
Mazzoni Center
21 S. 12th Street, Floor 8, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Phone: (215) 563-0652
The food bank is open Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9:30 AM-4:30 PM, and is closed on Tuesdays for food delivery and restocking of shelves. The Bank closes from 12:45 to 1:30 on days that it’s open so that the food bank coordinator can take a lunch break.
Clinic/HIV/STD Testing:
Gordon-Wright Community Development Center
2340 Oakdale St., Philadelphia, PA 19132
Phone: (215) 915-2081
HIV Testing and counseling, drug and alcohol treatment/referrals.
The Robert Schattner Center
240 South 40th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Phone: (215) 898-8965
A full range of general and specialty services are available through the teaching clinics of the School of Dental Medicine.
Mt. Pleasant Medical Center
8125-27 Stenton, Philadelphia, PA 19150
Phone: (215) 248-7561
Open Monday though Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Committed to provide comprehensive health services.
Cooke Family Health Center
1300 W. Louden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19141
Phone: (215) 457-6902
Community Health Center. Federally Qualified Health Center. QCHC provides primary preventive, chronic and episodic care services to thousands of residents in Philadelphia.
Mazzoni Center
809 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Phone: (215) 563-0658
Mazzoni Center offers free, confidential rapid HIV testing and confidential STI (sexually transmitted infection) screening services Mondays-Saturdays at our community based testing location.
Congreso de Latinos Unidos
216 W Somerset St., Philadelphia, PA 19133
Phone: 215-763-8870
Free HIV and STD testing.
Prevention Point Philadelphia
166 W Lehigh Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19133
Phone: 215-634-5272
Free HIV and STD testing.
Domestic Violence Shelters:
Safe Haven
Phone: (215) 386-1280
Women Against Abuse offers two Safe Havens. They provide women and children who are victims of domestic violence with 24-hour emergency shelter that includes up to 90 days of shelter, case management, individual and group counseling, three meals a day, children’s health assessment, emergency relocation funds, adult education, job readiness referrals, after school and summer programs, and on-site child care.
Sojourner House
Phone: (215) 386-1280
A transitional housing program that provides long-term housing and supportive services to domestic violence victims. The program provides family apartments for women and their children for up to 18 months. Supportive services provided include case management, group counseling, on-site child care, after school programs, summer programs, economic management education, parenting classes, and life skills.
St. Elizabeth’s Recovery Residence
1850 North Croskey Street, Philadelphia, PA 19121
Phone: (215) 763-1820
St. Elizabeth’s Recovery Residence is a recovery residence for men, providing 24 fully-furnished, subsidized, single-room occupancy units, 12 of which are designated for veterans. Accessible units are available.
Veteran’s Comfort House
4108 Baltimore Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Phone: (267) 292-2052
It is open for veterans to receive clothing, toiletries, food and water (based upon availability), WiFi access, showers and a place of refuge between VA appointments.
The Philadelphia Alliance for Supportive Services to Veteran Families (PASSVF)
1515 Fairmount Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19130
Phone: (215) 232-7272
PASSVF provides case management to link Veterans to a variety of community-based resources and services available through the VA. It helps connect them to appropriate housing.
The NHS Fresh Start Veterans' Emergency Housing Program
620 E. Germantown Pike, Lafayette Hill, PA 19444
Phone: (610) 384-7711
The program serves as an emergency entry point into the VA’s homeless care system and offers a seamless continuity of medical and mental healthcare, and case management services for veterans in need of emergency housing. This program is used for short-term housing and a bridge to inpatient services or more permanent living situations. The average length of stay is approximately 30 to 60 days.
Substance Abuse:
Recovery Through Faith: Philadelphia Brotherhood Rescue Mission (PBRM)
401 E. Girard Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19125
Phone: (267) 581-2755
An 18-month addiction recovery program that prepares participants to live drug-free independent lives. Includes modules on Lifeskills Education Career and Family Life Counseling as well as spiritual and emotional counseling through religious studies. Consists of 5 phases that assist the individual in successful reintegration into society.
St. Elizabeth’s Recovery Residence
1850 North Croskey Street, Philadelphia, PA 19121
Phone: (215) 763-1820
St. Elizabeth’s Recovery Residence is a recovery residence for men, providing 24 fully-furnished, subsidized, single-room occupancy units, 12 of which are designated for veterans. Accessible units are available. Residents are offered service coordination, personal recovery services, health care, education, social enterprise and employment opportunities.
Mercy Hospice
334 South 13th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Phone: (215) 545-5153
Mercy Hospice offers a range of residential and day services to assist homeless women, most of who are in recovery, with the mission of alleviating the poverty and family instability caused by serious addictions, associated trauma and mental health issues. A 48-bed residence for single women and mothers with young children who are in recovery. In addition to shelter, residents receive three meals a day, and have access to secure mail service.